Yushima Tenjin Official Homepage
Yushima Tenmangu
      TEL 03-3836-0753

MainShrine PhotoEnshrined deities :
Sugawara Michizane

Historical Background:
Yushima Tenmangu is a Shinto shrine commonly called Yushima Tenjin. This shrine was originally established in 458 A.D. in order to worship Ameno-tajikaraono-mikoto, one of deities appears in the Japanese myths. Later, in February 1355, the spirit of Sugawara Michizane, a historical figure, was also enshrined to venerate his extraordinary virtue as a scholar.
In October 1478, Oota Dokan(1432-86), a war lord in Kanto region, made the shrine building anew. Since then, many scholars and men of letters including Hayashi Doshun and Arai Hakuseki Confucian scholars in Edo period, have worshiped this shrine.
Nowadays many students visit this shrine to express their reverence to the enshrined spirit as Kami of Learning. Especially in the season of school entrance examinations, young students visit to pray for the success of passing examinations, presenting votive tablets called Ema.
The shrine is also famous for beautiful blossoms of Ume (Japanese apricot) in the precinct. In February and March, "Ume Matsuri"(Ume festival) is held, and it attracts many visitors who enjoy the Ume blossoms.
The shrine buildings was rebuilt of wood in December 1995 following the tradition of shrine architecture.


Heiden Honden
Heiden Honden